My LEAP video is up and available on YouTube, you can access this here:
It's quite long so I won't be offended if you choose not to watch the whole thing :P
Here are a few of the photos that have appeared since EMAG. Photo credits to the lovely Lourens Grové
Guessing I'm happy on presentation day??
I had a run in with a fake moustache at Jessie's birthday lunch
Me presenting! Yay!
The LEAP Team at the icebreaker event on the first night of EMAG
Me in the "forbidden zone" and Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna
The video from our hosts Mensa Slovakia is also up on Youtube, check out some of the stuff we did here:
I'm currently drafting my best practice report for LEAP, trying to combine what I talked about in my presentation, what I've learnt and what I've done since. I'm going to be combining aspects of the theoretical framework with practical aspects to give people the ability to go forward and make groups like ours themselves. there will be links to things I use, resources, images, ideas and contact information.
It has been interesting, reading through what I wrote a few months ago at USMAG and comparing that to what I know now. It's so funny how you can grow and change in such a short period of time.
As soon as this is all finished and published I will put links to this on the blog.
As for Mensa New Zealand, it's the NZMAG2013 on 6-8 September 2013 so the organising team are working hard to get everything prepared for the weekend. We're so looking forward to catching and and seeing everyone there, it should be a brilliant weekend!
I'm looking forward to presenting about my experiences overseas and encouraging others to take on the LEAP challenge.
I will be tweeting and blogging about events during the weekend so will have more to post.