Sunday, 30 June 2013

First leg done!

So I've made it from Auckland to Wellington no problem! Big thanks to Aimee for getting me to the airport in plenty of time for my flight. 

Hooray! I'm on my way! love flying and airports, it's all so exciting. Weird being around late at night, still so many people around. I've got an early check in to Sydney so I'm going to get some sleep, will update you with more adventures tomorrow! 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Two sleeps to go...

And I'm getting down to business! 

Thanks to the help of the lovely Michelle, we set up my business cards with the date, time and room of my LEAP presentation to give out to people I meet at USMAG 2013! They look so cool and even though it was a mission to get the labels printed, they worked really well :)

Although there will be some promotion of LEAP events at USMAG, I'm also a big fan of working to promote our group myself, and I hope the people I meet will be interested in coming along to see what Young Members is about. I will be attending a few events prior to my presentation to talk to people who may want to find out more.

The amazing Laura also sent me the custom-made singlet she made me to promote Mensa New Zealand over in the USA! We made white writing on blue singlets for our promotion days at University of Auckland and Victoria University earlier this year, but we loved the white t-shirts we made. Laura definitely delivered on this and I can't wait to wear it in Dallas!

The last piece of the puzzle is my presentation, and I am just about finished matching the PowerPoint with the presentation. I will be doing a mihi at the start of my presentation (Thanks to Louise for your help!), and not having much experience with Maori it's probably the part I am the most nervous about. Hopefully  my pronunciation won't be too rough. It will be cool to share a little bit of New Zealand Maori culture while I'm overseas!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The countdown is on!!

Only 4 more sleeps til I head up to Auckland and off to the US! 

So I'm a busy girl getting ready.  My presentation is almost 100% completed, I've picked up my tickets from the travel agent and organised my various visas and insurances.

Now to try to get work sorted and get on the plane!

Having an awesome catch up with the Wellington Mensa members at LunchSIG today made me think more about what I want to achieve on this trip.

I want to be able to share the awesome things that Young Members of Mensa New Zealand has been doing, and how creating this community has made such a difference to our members and how they participate in Mensa.

I want to show them that it isn't impossible to connected Young Members and that Young Members are a vital part of making a Mensa organisation great to belong to. I want them to see how important the Young Members groups is to the Young Members.

I'm also using this trip to find out more what Mensa can offer its members here in New Zealand.

I want to learn more about how Mensa groups internationally are run and what activities and ideas we can bring back to Mensa New Zealand and try to implement them here. I am interested in knowing new things about how their Mensa groups interact, meet, and what activities and programs are in place around the world.

I'd love to know what other plans Mensa groups around the world have for expanding and making better connections between members. I want to know how they use technology, how they meet and how often.

I'm on a scouting mission! 

Monday, 17 June 2013

I'm a Guest Blogger today!

As part of New Zealand Gifted Awareness Week, I wrote a post for Creating Curriculum's blog for Gifted Children. 

You can find the post here.

I wrote about Young Members of Mensa New Zealand, what our organisation has to offer gifted young people, and what we hope to do in this future.

I am so proud of Mensa being involved in Gifted Awareness week this year, as well as being part of the blog tour we're going to have members at the Explorer's Gifted Children's Expo. More information about this can be found here

I hope everyone is able to get along to an event, post something about Gifted Awareness or write a letter to their MP. You can use the hashtag  on Twitter to let more people know about your post!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Getting ready for take-off!

So it's now less than a month to go and planning and writing are in full swing for my trips and presentations.

I will be presenting at the USMAG at 6pm on Friday 5 July 2013 Dallas time. So exciting!

I'm working hard to make my presentation interesting and inspiring for those watching, and I hope it comes across how much our Young Members group means to us.

So at the moment, I'm working at getting data from all over the world about the ages of their members so we can use that information to help Young Members everywhere.

I'm also working with the amazing Young Members of Mensa New Zealand to put together a video about them to show off to everyone. They've been so amazing and supportive I love hanging with you guys! 

I'm also trying to figure out how to make a video of what is happening on my computer screen so I can show other people. SO much harder than it looks....

I really want to show other Mensa groups around the world what an awesome opportunity this would be for their members, and I'm so keen to show everyone what little ol' New Zealand has done!

So I am a very busy bee at the moment, and thanks to all if I'm taking a while to get around to doing things for people :)

I'm also now on Twitter so you can follow my adventures @AnnikaVoulgaris

My travel plans are all in place and I can't wait to meet other LEAP participants and other Mensa members in the US and Europe!