Only 4 more sleeps til I head up to Auckland and off to the US!
So I'm a busy girl getting ready. My presentation is almost 100% completed, I've picked up my tickets from the travel agent and organised my various visas and insurances.
Now to try to get work sorted and get on the plane!
Having an awesome catch up with the Wellington Mensa members at LunchSIG today made me think more about what I want to achieve on this trip.
I want to be able to share the awesome things that Young Members of Mensa New Zealand has been doing, and how creating this community has made such a difference to our members and how they participate in Mensa.
I want to show them that it isn't impossible to connected Young Members and that Young Members are a vital part of making a Mensa organisation great to belong to. I want them to see how important the Young Members groups is to the Young Members.
I'm also using this trip to find out more what Mensa can offer its members here in New Zealand.
I want to learn more about how Mensa groups internationally are run and what activities and ideas we can bring back to Mensa New Zealand and try to implement them here. I am interested in knowing new things about how their Mensa groups interact, meet, and what activities and programs are in place around the world.
I'd love to know what other plans Mensa groups around the world have for expanding and making better connections between members. I want to know how they use technology, how they meet and how often.
I'm on a scouting mission!
Go Annika. We are following your news. Mandy